Blog di trucco e fascino Blog lunedì sondaggio, vol. 325

Tabs…hard at work on the makeup and charm blog Monday Poll for June 2, 2014
You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

Bene, non è molto di un sondaggio. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

Cool- or warm-toned eyeshadows?
Sì grazie!

But seriously, warm many of the time, in particular warm-toned golden and reddish browns, yum!

I mean, I won’t say no to a sparkly cool-toned taupe, though. Non mai.

So we’re going for a bike ride down to the beach. What’s in your bicycle basket?
Food and kittens. Ovviamente.

A baguette, a wedge of brie, sunscreen, water and a trio of well-behaved kittens wearing Ray ban aviator sunglasses (because this is my answer we’re talking about here, and crazy cat lady talk is completely acceptable).

Mint or pink?
Why do I keep coming up with these “or” questions? They’re just so cruel…

Mint, I guess. I’m mad about mint at the moment. Mint shoes, clothes, accessories, nail polish…

One thing that makes you happy?
The green Zella sweatshirt up there at the top of this post.

OK, so, one of the numerous Liz Lemon-esque things I do (shout-out to the 30 rock fans!) is fall asleep with that sweatshirt next to me on the bed, because that way if I’m cold when I wake up the next morning — and I’m always cold in the mornings — the sweatshirt is already warm from my body heat, and I don’t have to venture beyond the covers to get it.

I just roll over, slip my arms into it, zip it up and bam! — instant warmth.

Tabs likes it, too. It’s one of his favorite places to sleep (on top of the sweatshirt) during the day…so I guess it’s our sweatshirt now.

Good things come to those who ______.
Push through the unpleasant bits.


Il tuo turno. Basta copiare e incollare le seguenti domande in un commento con le tue risposte. Non vedo l’ora di leggerli!

1. Cool- or warm-toned eyeshadows?
2. We’re going for a bike ride down to the beach. What’s in your bike basket?
3. Mint or pink?
4. One thing that makes you happy?
5. good things come to those who ______.

Ehi amico!


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

Acquistare ora

It’s back to the grind again today. Sai cosa, però? I feel pretty good, despite the technical difficulties we experienced this morning (the blog had bad gas).

I think it’s because of how much I’m enjoying that 100 pleased Days challenge I started doing last week.

I mean, I realize that over the course of 100 days (here’s much more info about it on their website), chances are good that I won’t be giddy with joyous happiness every single day, but even when I wake up feeling kind of blah — like I did yesterday, when I got up exhausted and anxious about the coming week — the minute it takes to snap a quick picture of something fun/uplifting with my phone and sharing it helps. and then when you do it over and over for days and see a record of those fun/uplifting moments, it helps even more.

Provalo! snap a pic, share it on Instagram or something, or possibly write it down on a Post-it, and add that same hashtag to it, #100happydays. I think it’s just the act of doing something fun and frivolous like this over and over that works like a powerful mood booster.


Have a fantastic week, ‘k? and I’ll try to do the same.

Il tuo amichevole avvincente di Charm,


Published by lchjc

Categories: Uncategorized

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